About NeuroStar

About NeuroStar

Why Concierge TMS Exclusively Utilizes NeuroStar

We use Neurostar TMS in each of our Concierge TMS offices. We believe that Neurostar is the best choice for our patients for several reasons. First, Neurostar and Neuronetics, the parent company, conducted the clinical trials that led to FDA approval of TMS in 2008, and they have focused on TMS longer than anyone else. Neurostar established a treatment protocol that we know works. This protocol describes the length of the treatments, the amount of energy used, and the number of treatments, all of which contribute to the success and tolerability of the treatment. It is also worth noting that the Neurostar system provides precise measurements for each patient’s treatment so that the magnetic coil is properly placed in precisely the exact location at every treatment. Most other systems lack this precision. 

Importantly, the Neurostar company provides unlimited clinical consultation to every provider, which can be useful when complex clinical situations arise. Although it is difficult to obtain information about the rate of side effects from the various companies that sell TMS systems, there is good reason to believe that patients better tolerate Neurostar TMS and have a lower drop-out rate during treatment than other companies. Because the magnetic energy delivered by the Neurostar TMS system is focused exclusively on the prefrontal cortex, the risk of adverse effects is low.

It should be noted that despite claims to the contrary, there is no evidence that one type of TMS is more effective than another, so the likelihood of success is not a reason to choose one system over another. At the same time, knowing that you are choosing a system that is well tolerated, has a low drop rate due to discomfort, and has been focused on TMS longer than anyone else, be a reason to seek a Neurostar office if you are considering TMS.

Why NeuroStar?

How NeuroStar TMS Works

How NeuroStar is Transforming Depression Treatment

Ben’s Story

Hear how TMS improved Ben’s life. Is it time for you to take the first step towards a better life?

Are you a good candidate for TMS Therapy?

While TMS offers real hope for persistent depression, not everyone is an ideal candidate for treatment. Complete the form linked below to find out if TMS is right for you!

Take The First Step to Feeling Better.